Miyuki Fujino

Miyuki Fujino on the DV Alto 7

"My JodyJazz mouthpiece has made my sound more gorgeous than before. It makes it easy to control and put out harmonic overtone. I love “funky music” , so I wanted to play a sound that stands out. The mouthpiece made my wish come true."

"JodyJazzのマウスピースと出逢って、私の音はゴージャスに!音量のコントロールもしやすくて倍音も凄く出る!私はFunky Music が大好きで、目立つ音を目指していました。その夢が叶ったマウスピースです!Wow!"

Miyuki Fujino Biography

Miyuki Fujino is an influential Japanese saxophonist mostly known for playing funk and soul music. As well as releasing solo albums, she has participated in talk sessions with Candy Dulfer and Mindi Abair, and published books regarding contemporary music. Miyuki released a very special new album in March 2018, featuring American sax player Eddie M. as a guest (who has played alongside Prince, Sheila E, 13 Cat’s and more), sending her funky style to the world from Japan.

藤野美由紀 日本のSAX奏者。FUNKとSOULを中心に活動中。4枚のソロアルバムをリリースし、キャンディ・ダルファーやミンディ・エイベアなど、数々の素晴らしいミュージシャンとの共演や対談を果たす。2018年には、プリンスやシーラEバンドのサックス奏者エディMを迎えて、スペシャルアルバムをリリースした。日本のFUNK Styleを世界に発信し続ける。



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