Category Archives: DV Tenor 8*

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EJ Hughes

“Using JodyJazz mouthpieces allows Me a freedom of expression and tonal balance that I haven’t found anywhere else. The full bodied tone and sonic purity of my DV mouthpieces bring me into a zone when I play, allowing me to easily draw from a range of influences, leading also to innovation, giving me the confidence to take chances sonically while playing and improvising with greater joy and intention.”

Charlie DiPuma

“JodyJazz is more than just a mouthpiece. It is a true extension of a player’s creativity and emotion. After playing Jody’s mouthpieces for over twenty years, I can honestly and enthusiastically attest to their ability to grow with a player and enhance their unique sound. What more could you hope for as a saxophonist!”

Cristian Romero

“My SUPER JET mouthpiece is killing! I’m really in love with it. I had never played a mouthpiece like this one, it is very easy to play all over the register. Finally, I’ve found my sound: The SUPER JET.”

Count Basie Orchestra Saxophone Section

Count Basie Orchestra Saxophone Section

Yurie Yamazaki

“JodyJazz mouthpieces have a very natural sound. They are also warm, powerful and bright. I have never played any other mouthpieces like JodyJazz. With JodyJazz mouthpieces, I’m going to be able to evolve and further express myself as a player! JodyJazzのマウスピースは、自分から発生している音としてとても自然であり、温かさの中にもパワフルさと華やかさをも兼ねそろえた今まで出逢ったことがないマウスピースです。 このマウスピースでなら、さらなる表現の進化をしていけると考えています!!”

Patrick O’Hare on the DV Tenor 8*

Daniel Morera

“From the first moment I tried the JodyJazz mouthpieces I knew that my search for the perfect mouthpiece was over. Versatility, power, easy response and tuning are just some of the features that make me feel unconditionally love these mouthpieces. Never before have I felt so much freedom to express myself when I play like now that I have the JodyJazz mouthpieces.” In Spanish “Desde el primer momento que probé las boquillas JodyJazz supe que mi búsqueda por la boquilla perfecta había terminado. Versatilidad , potencia,fácil respuesta y afinación son sólo algunas de las características que hacen que ame incondicionalmente estas boquillas. Nunca antes sentí tanta libertad para expresarme al tocar como ahora que cuento con las boquillas JodyJazz.”

Daniel Chia

“My JodyJazz mouthpieces allow me to shape my unique sound in any musical setting. They are very flexible and give me a fat and full tone. I have never been happier playing my saxophone!”

Pierre Mimran

“When I discovered the JodyJazz DV Tenor 7* & 8* I appreciated the roundness, warmth and comfort I got in concerts. The accuracy is perfect and precise . After years of research , I finally found my mouthpiece! Like a great wine , I like its color, elegance and its finish. Its power allows me to play any style and I’m looking forward to trying other JodyJazz models!”

Yainer Horta

“It was love at first note. As soon as I played JodyJazz HR soprano and tenor 7* I knew that I found what I had been long searching for. The versatility and flexibility of the HR models are so unique and effective for the player that it gives me that big, warm and joyful sound without sacrificing pitch or control. I am very grateful to Jody Espina and his wonderful team for making JodyJazz mouthpieces a dream come true for saxophonist like myself.”

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